歡欣僱傭 Cheers Employment | Online Registration

Online Registration

Fill Out the Online Registration Form

Guidelines to Apply Domestic Helper Job in Hong Kong

  • Fill the online registration form that is provided
  • Provide basic information about yourself and fill your WhatsApp number so we can contact you soon
  • Highlights your skills; language skills, country of experiences and duty priorities
  • Answer general question about your personalities and your willingness to work in certain conditions
  • Check all forms and make sure you fill all fields and answer appropriately in English
  • Upload your current picture and signature. Then submit the application.

Tutorial to Apply Domestic Helper Job Online

When we apply for a job online, we need to enhance our profile so that we can impress the employer. These are tutorials to complete your online job application to make it interesting so that you can increase your chances to get employed. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our staff. We are very delighted to assist you!

Completing basic informations

  1. Provide the personal data of yourself: Name, nationality, date of birth, your body height and weight, marital status, education background, religion and family members.
  2. It is also required to fill in the passport number and its expiration date. Then there is number of Hong Kong identity card that you should provide if you have one.
  3. Explain which country you are living currently and choose your current contract situation. If you are applying from overseas then you can mark the first timer, if you have previous experience in Hong Kong you can choose to finish the contract or other options depending on your previous contract situation.
  4. Last thing is to input your contact number, messenger and domicile address. Also you can provide a referral if you have one.

Highlights your skills and job priorities

  1. Explain the languages that you are able to speak. Consider that Hong Kong people speak Cantonese for daily conversation, so it is advisable for you to learn basic Cantonese for your daily survival. The more language skills that you have mastered, the higher chance of you getting attention from the employer.
  2. Besides you also need to explain in which county you have been working as well as how many years of your work experience.
  3. Explain your job priorities, this means the skill of works that you are expertise to perform.

Fill the general questions

  1. Answer general questions about yourself. All questions are about your habits, personality and your capabilities.
  2. It also reveals your willingness to live and work in certain situations. Make sure you answer all questions honestly, for instance if you don’t eat pork or if you are allergic to cat and dog, then you should fill the checklist properly so that the employer will know from the very beginning of the recruitment process.

Submit your online application

  1. After you finish with the checklists, you need to go back to check all the fields from the very beginning to make sure that you already answered all the form properly using English, this is to show the employer that you are a consistent and conscientious person that you don’t miss to fill any part of information.
  2. Then upload your current picture. Make sure your picture is clear, put your hairs behind your ears and wear a proper formal outfit.
  3. Complete your application with a signature. If you accidentally make a wrong signature, you can clear the signature and try to sign again. Then click save to submit your online application and your data will be sent to our computer system and your profile will be seen by the employer.