歡欣僱傭 Cheers Employment | Home

Cheers Employment

Connecting numerous Hong Kong families and domestic helpers.
More work satisfaction, more family happiness.

歡欣僱傭 Cheers Employment | Home

We are a professional employment agency that facilitates domestic helpers and families both online and offline.

Cheers Employment Limited is a specialist recruitment agency providing comprehensive services to connect Hong Kong families to the most suitable domestic helper.

We are dedicated to offering professional and personal consultation services with efficiency and affordability with our maid agency services covering the Philippines and Indonesia.

For any interested employers and domestic helpers, please feel free to contact us for further information. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.


Thank you so much 😊 欣賞你地係做 interview的過程中,代我地向工人問問題, 因為我哋係第一次請工人,有好多嘢都唔識同唔明,但係你哋都細心講解同安排唔同嘅工人姐姐俾我哋見

Mrs. Chan

Karen was really helpful and professional during the process. She was also responsive. All the documents and advice are clear and easy to understand.


同事的服務態度很好,很快幫我處理好入 境處的文件,及時解決了我用工人的問題 , thank you 😃

Miss Cheung

Sylvia has been very helpful throughout the whole process. Thank you


在我們急需工人嘅情況下,推薦了 一位很好的工人給我們,在整個過程中也 提供了良好的服務,態度親切,十分滿意 謝謝。張小姐


Vaness is responsive and helpful during the hiring process. Providing us with a lot of candidate profiles and no pressure.


Karen在整個請工人的過程中都表現得非 常細心及專業。在選擇工人及面試過程中 ,她給了不少有用的意見󰗨 在申請期間 也詳細地回答了我不少的問題,在假期及 休假時都不忘跟進我的申請,非常滿意!


You provided professional advice on the selection of domestic helpers and follow up with the whole process. She helps me to find a good helper in this critical moment. Big thanks 😊


Saya senang sekali agency Cheers sangat amanah dan profesional. Staff nya baik dan sangat membantu. Saya sampe rekomendasikan ke teman-teman untuk daftar di Cheers. Sukses selalu buat Cheers.


Cheers emoloyment sangat berbeda dengan agency lainmya. Bos nya baik dan ramah banget! Staff nya benar-benar melayani dengan hati, bahkan bisa konsultasi pake bahasa juga. Cari majikan langsung ke agency Cheers saja.

Contact Us

Give us a call or visit by any time; we strive to respond all enquiries within 24 hours on business days.
